+38 057 732-75-96 | 0562 333-999 | 0532 506-407
Главная »» Авиабилеты »» Акции и новости »» Промо цена на авиабилеты из Киева в Азию авиакомпании Air Astana
Flights from Kiev to Asia with Air Astana

Airline Air Astana has started new stock on flights from Kiev to Asia

Route Promo tickets price, UAH
ec bus
Seoul 17900 56900
Kuala Lumpur 19200 59500
Hong Kong 15900 48900
Bangkok 14300 56000
Delhi 12300 40200
Beijing 13500 34500


To know timetable Kiev , find the lowest price of flights Kiev , and also book and buy flight Kiev online you can use the form below:

For the fare calculation in any direction you can also contact managers of our agency by phones: +38 057 732-84-34, 0562 333-999, 0532 506-407 or contact our chat operator SiteHeart. Our specialists find a convenient route and will count the least cost of airticket.
