+38 057 732-75-96 | 0562 333-999 | 0532 506-407
Главная »» Авиабилеты »» Акции и новости »» Авиабилеты из Киева в Тель-Авив с YANAIR.
Sale of flights from Kiev to Tеl Aviv
Flight start: from 02JUN19


Promo price of flight Kiev Tel Aviv Kiev:

- OW from 3564 UAH
- RT from 6934 UAH


Ticket prices listed, including all fees, according to the online booking on site of Universal International Agency and is in the national currency at the rate of exchange on the day of the publication of news. Number of seats at special prices is limited, hurry to book! Price tickets may vary based on exchange rates.


To know timetable Kiev Tel Aviv , find the lowest price of flights Kiev Tel Aviv , and also book and buy flight Kiev Tel Aviv online you can use the form below:

For the fare calculation in any direction you can also contact managers of our agency by phones: +38 057 732-84-34, 0562 333-999, 0532 506-407 or contact our chat operator SiteHeart. Our specialists find a convenient route and will count the least cost of airticket.   
